You know when you go through a level of Resident Evil II at your local arcade, watch a cinematic clip at the end, and are rewarded with a big, red STAGE: CLEARED stamp superimposed on the screen? Yeah, well today was sort of like that... PARIS: CLEARED.
Let me explain: We took the train into Paris around 7:30 a.m. and booked it to most of the major sites in the subsequent 15 hours, leaving no crêpe unturned. Place des Voges, Notre Dame, Saint Supplice, Musée d'Orsay, and the Eiffel Tower. On a completely unrelated note, the Parisian public transportation workers are on strike tomorrow... Really. Still, some trains will be running, which will allow us to return from the suburbs where we are staying to do yet more damage.
Well, I gotta crash. Pictures and more tomorrow, I promise!
That's a pretty good first day of tourism! How long are the lines at the Louvre these days? I'm sure you'll find out.